Nature is our god, our mother. Stretching from high in the atmosphere to deep down in the sea. Good mother of god! Listen to your mother and all shall be well. 

By Maria Nilsson

Women helping women. Period Pack - incredible initiative in the Northern Rivers

How horrible is that all too familiar feeling of waking up with your period that has come on heavily over night, with blood soaking all of the way through your sheets? But; we wake up, have a nice warm shower, find our menstrual cup, pads or tampons in the bath room, have a cup of tea, do a load of washing and settle into this phase of your cycle in the comforts of your home.  

For many women out there, this isn't the case. The population of homeless women often don't have access to these basic needs of being a person with a uterus. 

Enter Lily, and her inspiring initiative, Period Pack

When Lily was just 14 years old she started this donation powered initiative, providing homeless and vulnerable women in the Northern Rivers of Australia with safe an accessible sanitary and hygiene products.

PeriodPack aims to help these women by providing them with clean, safe and accessible basic hygiene and sanitary products through the collection of products from the wider community, including; pads, tampons, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste. These products are then made into care packages and distributed to Community and Homeless Centres, Soup Kitchens, local Women's Refuge Centres and Women's Health Facilities in our home of the Northern Rivers. 

A significant element of Atmosea's ethos is the constant support we give to other women, and encouragement to help keep the momentum of lifting each other up and being there to help.   

We are really proud to be teaming up with Period Pack and donating a voucher to their raffle with all proceeds going toward creating packs for the homeless women here in our community, in time to be delivering packs to women in need before the craziness of summer. 

Click here for more on Period Pack.