· By Maria Nilsson
My perfect day would be waking up early, taking my dog for a nice big beach run and play at home in Lennox, taking a nice dip in the tea tree lake before spending the day surfing perfect waves with friends at home and shooting some film in nature/of friends! Lennox is such a magical spot, without the ever present crowds you’ll find most places around here. Such a special place to call home. Followed by a delicious home cooked dinner with my best mates at home
What is a social or environmental issue that hits close to home for you?
A big one for me is definitely the pressures on women to look a certain way, or society’s ideal of beauty. It’s certainly something that has affected the way I’ve felt about myself my entire life, long before social media (though it certainly hasn’t helped.) Its important to talk about and to challenge. Nobody should ever feel ashamed of the skin they’re in, each human body is so special and miraculous in its own way, I don’t want to see future generations lacking any sense of self worth because they don’t look like a model on Instagram or the girls in magazines and movies. I want women to feel beautiful and LOVE themselves in all our forms. We’re tidal beings, we’re constantly changing and evolving. It’s important to truly love (not just accept) ourselves in all of our forms, because we deserve it.
How do you measure success?
Success is happiness. I measure wealth and success by the love and warmth in my heart and the beautiful people in the life I’ve created around me.
I don’t ever want my happiness to be based on money or things. Give me dogs, lovers, great friends, a healthy body a beautiful place to call home and beautiful boards to surf dreamy waves and I’ll be happy forevermore!
If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, what colour would it be?
All shades of blue forever and ever.
What is your favourite meal to share with family and friends?
Whoever said you don’t make friends with salad, hasn’t been to my house. I love making big delicious salads full of cheeses and nuts and fruits and herbs! Also a huge curry fan.
Any irrational fears or phobias?
I don’t think I really have any crazy phobias or fears... spiders freak me out, still. I’m fine until they start moving
What is your favourite surfing memory?
My favorite surf memory is pretty recent, I was really feeling super stressed and frazzled working 40hr weeks and being so generally busy with my home life too, so I went on a solo runaway mission down south one of my favorite point breaks and camped in my van. From sunrise till late afternoon I surfed perfect waves with only a handful of other people and had some of the best waves of my life, cruising with this huge grin and not knowing anyone was actually really, really nice. Pure pleasure. I needed that day, and a lot more like it!
What does love feel like?
What does love feel like... at first I wanted to say it’s been a while since I’ve felt that, but that’s not true. Love is everywhere, and should be shared with everyone in your life. Love is acceptance, compassion and kindness. Love is being with your friends and having the freedom to be your weird and wonderful self. Love is being in love with who you are and the way you treat people. Love is being accepted and appreciated for everything that you are, because we are all so damn special.
Advice you would give your younger self
I would tell my younger self to be strong, to stand up for yourself and for others, your beliefs in any given situation. I experienced a lot of sexism and racism in the community and workplaces I was a part of when I was younger, I wish I’d told those people where to shove it, and to have a little f*cking respect.
What is Jordy’s life motto?
Only you are in charge of and responsible for your own happiness. If you’re not happy in your job or relationship or any kind of situation, do something and change it. Life is too short to waste it in a situation we’re unhappy or dissatisfied with. We only have one life and it is our own responsibility to make sure we are living it the way we dream of!