By Maria Nilsson


If you could learn another language, what language would you choose? 
When we travel, not only are we experiencing other cultures and different ways of living and thinking, but we are exposed to situations where communication isn't necessarily straight forward and simple.  Language barriers often make things a little difficult. Pleasantries, sign language and interpretive dance can only get you so far.
Growing up in Australia, it isn’t all that common to be multi-lingual, and I am forever impressed when I meet some one who can speak more languages than just english & double dutch. 
Enter Irene (@irn_86). This weeks curator is one of those wildly talented humans whose brain works in wonderful ways where she not only is fluent in her native tongue, Spanish, but in a multitude of other languages too including french, arabic, basque and english. This bombshell dons a smile that makes you feel safe and warm and is always up for an adventure. Currently living a peachy life on the Atlantic Coast of Morocco, Irene spends a significant amount of time surfing the incredible waves of this North African coastline with finesse and grace. 
 This week Irene takes us on a fun journey with a colourful playlist of Moroccan inspired tunes. I've had this playlist on repeat these past few days, I just can't get enough! Even if the words that are being sung don't make sense to me in my singular-language brain, the music speaks wonders. It takes you to another world. Thank you Irene! I hope you enjoy this unique playlist too.

Describe to us your ultimate dream day… 

Dawny - wake up at 5.30am and head up north to the magic bay ! Sun goes up as we get changed, water is crystal clear and the waves are peeling perfectly. Surf till my arms are noodles and have a traditional moroccan breakie overlooking the ocean <3 

Cruise with the doggies at the beach, then probably meet up with friends for a sunset apéro & BBQ ! 

What is your favourite surfing memory?

There’s so many it’s difficult to say… But probably surfing Dakhla, Lassarga point in South Morocco. A perfect right hander just for me and my hubbie ! A whole weekend sleeping on the spot and surfing 4 times a day on our own ! I mean COME ON !!

Who was your greatest role model as a kid?

Is it weird to say I‘ve never really had any role models? I mean I was super fan of the Spice Girls :-) 

What are some of your daily/weekly rituals?

Surf and drink beer mainly, but also beach walks with the dogs. 

What is a natural talent you would like to be gifted with?

Being able to breathe underwater

If you could time travel where/when would you go?

I like the time I am living in and the freedom we enjoy nowadays. I don’t think I would travel to another time. But maybe to places rather than time. 

What is an environmental/social issue that sits close to your heart?

I live in Morocco, where culture and education are very different. Unfortunately, people still don’t know the consequences of leaving their rubbish behind, they still believe the ocean “cleans” the beach so we really have to start from the very basics like educating to pick up after themselves. No need to say recycling is not even a subject of discussion yet. 

Waste management and raising awareness is particularly close to my heart. 

What does love feel like?

I don’t think love feels like something in particular. I always thought it did but at 33, I now realise that it’s a lot of feelings put together in a mixer. 

If we’re talking of love as in a relationship or self love, it may be very different! :-) 

I’ve only started loving myself when I hit the 30s ! Once I accepted myself as who I am, life has been great :-) 

If it’s a relationship… Here is a little translation of something I once wrote… 

️ “Sometimes I wonder why people get anxious when they get carried away.

I find it hard to understand why stop something nice, something special. If feelings ask you to dream plans and idealize moments, why stop to “think”? Why try to control the heart?

It will hurt, for sure it will hurt. But who knows, it may be in a week or in a year or ten. Everything has an end.

But as long as it lasts, enjoy it, enjoy 100% of every single thing, of love, of passion, of sex, of each moment, of each experience, of each laugh, of every tear. 

Never say never. Never close doors for fear of losing yourself or fear of being hurt. As long as it's beautiful, get lost, get out of control, lose the North the South, the West, the East ... and every direction. ”

Share with us Irene’s life motto… 

“If something doesn’t make you happy, change it !” 







