· By Maria Nilsson
Describe to us your perfect day:
- Sloppy Billie morning kisses.
- Slow morning, beach walking the little devil.
- Mates, waves, The Pass with next to no one out.
- Creative downtime with all-time highs of inspiration.
- Never ending time for my home decor projects.
- Mates, waves, drinks.
- Boogie to fantastic tunes.
- Billie snuggles. End.
Pretty simple I guess but for a euro blow-in this is still pretty much heaven!
What is a social/environmental topic that hits close to home for you?
Close to my heart is the fight for the bight or anything that evolves around caring for our green-not-so-green-anymore planet and especially our pristine oceans. I’m surely not doing everything one could humanly possible do, but if we all take it step by step and do the little things on a daily basis, it can turn into one big thing. Take three, less to no plastic, alternative sunscreen, wax, …
Favourite surfing memory?
Mhh just thinking of surfing is one fuzzy warm tummy feeling that is pure happiness… But I’ll settle on three.
- Crescent point, the sun was beginning to rise and one of the grey suits torpedoed out of the water in one elegant pirouette – with the utmost cheesiest pinky squishy cloud backdrop. Humbled and grateful for coexistence.
- Summer sunset peelers from Speckies that seem like they go on forever with cheers from all my loves. Heart bursting love for the place we call home and the people making it what it is.
- Boulders on a day way over my surfing abilities... Putting my big girl pants on, taking off on probably theee most powerful wave I’ve ever surfed, speeding along the wall, adrenaline rush, fear, joy, ALIVE. Lesson learned: you don’t have to get out of ya comfort zone every day but daaang you should because you won’t be able to wipe that smile off your face for days.
What board are you currently riding?
Current and all-time favourite is my 7.4 Gato Heroi Acid, if it’s bigger my 5.10 Twinny by local legend Taz (@mung_beann) who’ll also be in charge for the newest one in the making - a nice 9.2 log that calls for summer wavelets.
Read any good books lately?
Guess the instruction booklet of my sewing machine doesn’t count... Would love to stick my nose in some real pages again soon though, so HMU!
How do you measure success?
Being happy with who you are and the life you’re living. Or, one day, nailing a hang ten. You choose.
Do you have any irrational/weird phobias?
Anything involving a lighter. An aquaphile Leo that’s terrified of fire makes sense yeah?
If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, what colour would it be?
Southern hemisphere white, northern hemisphere black.
Life motto?
Hang in there.
Words: Molly Oneill
Photos: Keith Christie Photography, Luke Mazzer, Su Graf & Verena Lukes