· By Maria Nilsson

In the dream world, I’d have endless hours to do these things:
Morning cuddle time with the loveliest Jacob
Then…. Surfing with Kate, driving to Wategos or The Pass in her red Ford Lazer, both ranting about something important
Flopping about in the clear blue jelly ocean water
Coffee with my Mum and Dad
Pet the doggos of the world
Lunchtime with lots of delicious share plates
Book reading and doodling
Late arvo glass off surf time
Beers, tunes and boogie
2.Environmental/Social Issues sits close to home?
Well, the other day I was reminded that there is still a way to go before the surfing community can shed its Puberty Blues past. A read a comment directed at one of my heroes, it was blatant sexism, it made me feel sick, frustrated and confused. It’s no excuse to continue ignoring opportunities to learn about how the world has changed, and sit under a rock. I want to invite that person (who made the comment) to press pause on the porn they probably still play through their VHS, to come out from their shell, get with the times and open up their narrow mind.
3. If you could be any animal, what would it be?
A Sea Turtle, I like the idea of cruising through the ocean, flappin my wee little turtle arms around and riding the currents. Life on island time… yippee!
4.Your staple healthy meal?
NOM I LOVE FOOD - Satay Tofu Bowls!
5.Favourite surf memory?
There are so many, but one was pretty special. A few years ago, I was surfing Insides in Lombok with six of my best friends in the world, there was barely anyone out, it was a clean 2-3ft and we’d surfed for hours sharing waves. We stayed until the sun and remaining surfers disappeared, and with it, the whole world seemed to go too - the sky and sea turned an insane dark purple and sweet little bobbing golden orbs dotted the horizon, the lights from neighbouring boats… I remember feeling like a pause button had been pressed. Yes, that was nice I’d like to do that again!
6. Any irrational or weird phobias?
Mmmm, being left with no water freaks me out a tad, raw exposed mattresses yikes! And, I'm not too pysched about dog on bed situations.
7.How do you practice self-love?
Its only been the past few years I’ve realised how important self-love is, how critical it is to honestly care for your own body, mind and soul.
I listened to a podcast on how your greatest gift to the world is having the ability to show up as yourself, day in day out, no matter what - this is a tough self-love practice but something I try to do and will keep at!
8. What do you think about when you are alone in the car?
Car time is usually when I piece together my day or week, shifting imaginary blocks of time around so I can fit in doing the things I love, being with my favourite humans and going to work.
9. When was the last time you laughed so hard you nearly wet your pants (or maybe you even followed through)?
With my friend Ash, in New Zealand she’s just great, a ball of light hilarious energy hurtling itself into the world.
10. Life motto?
How you do anything is how you do everything