· By Maria Nilsson
Byron Bay Surf Festival
After a weekend full of fun festivities the Byron Bay Surf Festival came to a spectacular finale on Sunday, with a full day of SURFING at Wategos. Upon arrival the waves were slow with the high tide, but as the day progressed and the tide receded, the waves turned ON! Spectators at a packed out Wategos were glued to the surfing action and with the sun beaming down, there was no reason to not be there.
As the morning departed and the afternoon began it was time for the Mermaid division to start! In true Byron Bay fashion, there were so many keen gurfers that the organisers decided to run TWO heats for the Mermaids. And with our mermaid luck (and the right tide), we scored the best waves of the day! Yahoo!
As the event came to an end for another year, we all realised we were sun kissed and surfed out, and that surf culture is well and truely alive in the Bay! Good times!
No sunburnt noses thanks to sun and earth zinc! Legends! yewwww
Photos by Peter Pacoe