By Maria Nilsson


There’s nothing quite as sweet as the air of a balmy Sunday afternoon, especially one spent with friends, sippin’ beer and being merry. On Sunday the 27th of November, Broken Head hall was all of these things and more. Hosted by the galaxy groovers of the ocean, Atmosea, invited an array of local and international talents to get in on the fun in celebrating their creativity too. 4pm is a nice time, it’s not too late or too early, and it sets a relaxing pace for the evening to slowly unwind. The hall is in a lovely spot, surrounded by tall trees and grassy patches, a perfect location for a spacesuit launch. Walking up the stairs we were greeted with the smiley face of Al, the creator of super food snacks, The Daily Bar. Al is a passionate health food connoisseur, filled with the right knowledge that is reflected in her creations - camouflaging naughty with healthy in the most honest way possible.  We enter the hall now where the walls were filled with the works of photographers from far and wide; showcasing the salty adventures that Atmosea wetsuits have encountered since their release. Giang Alam Wardani is one of the many photographers fortunate enough to capture Atmosea wetsuits flying down the waves of his beautiful hometown on the West Coast of Java. He captured the girls slippin’ and slidin’ away on his home break, marvelling in the fact that not many girl surfers had visited before. Another photographer fortunate enough to take photos in his very own country, is Julien Binch Binet of France. Atmosea creator and full time smile queen, Maria, took a trip with her besties to Biarritz and surrounding surf zones, and Julien was there to document the memories. How great is that? Boy life can be amazing. Anyway, the photographs were beautiful; the colours of the wetsuits and the smiles on the girls made it pretty easy to create beautiful shots.  Moving around the hall and seeing all the creative hearts stand by and talk about their creations is wonderful, you can tell that they are in their happy place. Lucy from Simple Horse was definitely in her happy place, showcasing her board bags made from ethically sourced and up-cycled materials. Each board bag is unique as Lucy re-invigorates pre-owned textiles, Yeah Lucy! Another Gal who is crapping rainbows and somersaulting at life, is Hannah Magnall. Now this story will make you stoke on all kinds of levels – Hannah shapes surfboards, and brilliant ones at that. Aways Away is the name she shapes under, creating clean and classic retro boards that will mostly just make you want one. Hannah had drawn up illustrations on a4 paper with mini descriptions about the boards. These little blurbs made it all a little less serious, especially when reading ‘the bundies are pretty bad this year – model’ or ‘the coffee I drank before paddling out is giving me anxiety – model’. I couldn’t help but be intrigued by Hannah’s descriptions, which then led to falling in love with her surf crafts. It was just such a wonderful evening, there was banter, there was booze and there were babes, of all sizes. Then Sunrose came in, local groovers making sounds that make you feel like you are floating, or flying, in space, with an intergalactic wetsuit on, dodging meteors. Yes, the event was a success, and everyone left with a jolly good smile on they’re face, not that they arrived without one, just that when leaving it was a little more wonky. Thank You everyone for making the night a righteous Atmosea space launch, we couldn’t have taken off without you.

Words by Daini Stephenson