Nature is our god, our mother. Stretching from high in the atmosphere to deep down in the sea. Good mother of god! Listen to your mother and all shall be well. 

By Maria Nilsson


Yay! It's Friday again! It is kind of scary how fast these Friday's seem to be rolling around. We have just welcomed winter; we are all complaining about the cool air but before we know it summer and the heat will be getting the better of us again. Isn't time strange how it just keeps ticking along, and seemingly continues to speeds up a little bit. Perhaps it is the amount of time wasted on pondering this phenomenon that makes it feel like it is going faster? Who knows... 
Fridays are our favourite day of the week, not just because we can go have guilt free knock-offs, but because it means more tunes for your ears from one of the dream girls in the Atmosea community. 
This weeks playlist has been brought to you by Tess Foss, one of the sweetest gems out there. With eyes that sparkle like diamonds and a personality to match; it has been such a treat getting to know Tess a little more. One of the most calm and easy going women to have graced the Atmosea community, we are excited for her to enter the mum's club with a new little gremlin due to join the gang in mid July.  The future of surfing has never looked so exciting with all these kids being born essentially under a pandanas palm down at The Pass. 
We hope you enjoy this playlist, we think it  will leave you feeling a little nostalgic and nice and warm on the inside. Happy weekend and we hope you score some waves out there somewhere!
Describe to us your perfect day

Ooooh, getting up and it’s perfect sunshine but not that sweltering heat, getting in the Mazda with my trusty sidekick Lynden. Grabbing a delicious cawfee and a sneaky croissant, checking the surf and it’s perfect 1-2ft glassy baby waves at the pass and I don’t have a giant baby belly in the way! Surfing for hours until your crispy and exhausted. Then a couple of sunset bevvies and fish and chips with your pals. Ahh those days are the best!

What is a social or environmental issue that hits close to home for you?

Climate change. It’s so scary to think with my own tiny human about to enter the world what type of future are we are going to leave for this next generation. It seriously baffles me that we have these people running our country who are so ignorant at the way our world is headed. We have to try and make as much of a difference as individuals as we can. Every little bit counts!

How do you measure success?

I honestly think the most successful people are the ones who are enjoying their lives to the absolute fullest. Going to sleep each night with a big smile and full heart, they’re the most successful people!

If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, what colour would it be?

Look I’m not going to lie, White is my go to. Super boring but I can’t deny my love for white!

Your staple healthy meal?

Homemade satay sauce with greens and soba noodles is always a go to in our house.

Any irrational fears or phobias?

I’m absolutely terrified of spitting oil out of a hot pan. To the point where I will ask anyone else to put my food in the pan for me. Haha weirdo!

What do you often ponder when you are in the car by yourself?

Hmm if I’m not listening to a podcast, usually some true crime stuff ha! Then most likely what I’m going to eat next or make for dinner, food is LIFE!

Have you read any good books lately?

The Husbands Secret by Liane Moriatry was pretty addictive. I’m currently getting through Holy Cow by Sarah MacDonald which is really making me reminisce on my own time in India.

What is your favourite surfing memory?

It’s definitely got to be the very last surf I had before this baby belly got out of control. One of those epic dreamy pass days, Lynden and I had the brolly and everything we needed set up on the beach for the whole day and surfed the funnest lil baby waves for hours on end, going in every now and then for a fuel up. Was definitely the best day to retire the log for the next couple of months.

Life motto?

Trust yo intuition!!

atmosea atmosea atmosea
Words: Molly Oneill