Nature is our god, our mother. Stretching from high in the atmosphere to deep down in the sea. Good mother of god! Listen to your mother and all shall be well. 

By Maria Nilsson

Friday Tunes by Sonja

One of the beautiful things about this community we have been building over the years is the diversity of people we engage with. Here at Atmosea we pride ourselves on being inclusive of all walks of life; and therefore our community is comprised of an array of people from different backgrounds and experiences who wish to join our colourful parade. 
 This week, we have a fun playlist coming to you from Sonja, a woman who we are so glad to have the pleasure of knowing. A mother, a lover, a friend and a true inspiration; having the chance to get to know Sonja is a real gift and reminds us exactly why we set out on the quest of creating Atmosea- to build these genuine and incredible relationships with a wide range of people.
It is always refreshing seeing Sonja around, whether that be in the surf or just around town; she is forever radiating positivity and it is contagious. 
We hope you have a lovely weekend out there and enjoy these tunes. 


Describe to us your ultimate dream day...

My dream day, I wake up with the sun, take a moment in bed to breath deeply and be grateful I'm alive to enjoy this magic life. Then I sip a fresh strong coffee, chomp on a banana (I looooove bananas) then pack my surf gear and head to find a wave with my loves. After surfing for a few hours and a post-surf car park catch up with my early morning surf buddies I enjoy a yummy breaky/brunch. Then take a nice walk somewhere beautiful like the lighthouse, the beach or the park, stretch and breath. Then comes a little mid-afternoon siesta...these are the best !! After waking up and having a smoothie I head to the sea again to search for another wave to ride me into the sunset. As the sun sets over my beautiful island home I take the time to be thankful. Then its time to head home, fire up the barbie, pour a glass of wine and help cook up a yummy meal with my family and friends. A little sun-kissed, soul nourished, I head to bed, grateful again for another dreamy day.

Do you have any unusual skills?

Hmmm, I can roll my tongue, like a caterpillar, back to front.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

Initially, I thought about being a really well-loved pet like a cat or a dog but then I thought oh no Id miss swimming in the ocean so wanted to be a dolphin, I can be both right?

Any tips for people learning to surf?

Make the commitment to surf every day, go out in all conditions (as long as your safe & comfortable), laugh at yourself don't take it too seriously, wear sunblock, smile, have fun, make friends, learn the etiquette (road rules).

Have you read any good books lately?

I'm studying psychology so it's mainly about textbooks, I've just started reading Applied Behavior Analysis. On a personal front, I'm reading The wisdom of Florence Shovel Shinn, she was known as an artist, illustrator, metaphysician, and lecturer, I think of her as a 1900's version of Louise Hay.

How do you measure success?

By how good I feel. Its all about the feeling for me.

Staple healthy meal?

A B I G bowl of steamed or roasted veggies with lime juice, a drizzle of olive oil, cracked salt and pepper and a sprinkle of good parmesan cheese and a big dollop of hummus, mmm I'm hungry !!

What is an environmental or social issue that is close to your heart?

An environmental issue close to my heart is plastics, three-fold, how we can dispose of it more efficiently, how we can move toward not producing more and how we can better rid our oceans of the nasty stuff. A social issue close to my heart is addressing mental health, starting with our own community. I am about to commence a free community iRest Yoga Nidra class in Mullumbimby with a group of other Psychologists, I feel really grateful to be given this opportunity to give back so close to home.

You’re stuck on a deserted island, who is there with you and what three things do you have?

Ok, this is a goodie, because I love the simplicity of island life. ALL the people I love are there, my surfboard (cause there are awesome waves on our island) plenty of fresh food & water and clothing.

Sonja’s life motto?

Wow these thought-provoking questions, thank you. Sonja's life motto, do your best and when you know better do it differently. Remember that life is ours to create the life we want, so get creative, have an open mind. And above all else, LOVE, learn to love and understand yourself, its not a clique anymore.

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